29 Jun 6 Ways to Re-Invigorate Your Chicago Break Room
How will COVID-19 impact your Chicago break room going forward? The place that was once a great location to dine, socialize, and collaborate will need to change to better serve your employees and meet post COVID-19 needs. But let’s be clear about one thing—these changes don’t have to be negative. A safe, well-maintained break room is still a valuable benefit that positively affects employee morale and boosts company culture.
The following are six ways to re-invigorate your break room. (Please be sure to implement them in a way that follows the recommendations issued by public health agencies and experts.)
The Physical Layout
Depending on the size of your space, there are several options that can help encourage social distancing.
- Limit the number of employees allowed in the room at one time.
- Reduce or eliminate seating options.
- Move equipment and displays further apart if space allows.
Even without available seating, employees will still be able to enjoy the benefits of grab-and-go food and beverage options. Convenient refreshment options also encourage fewer employee trips away from the office during the workday.
Refreshment Selections
With the need for extra safety protocols, open stock and communal options should be replaced with more individually packaged choices. An increase in availability of individually packaged snack and food options will provide an additional layer of protection and offer Chicago employees a larger variety of on-site options.
Cleaning and Sanitation Practices
Cleaning and sanitation practices will need to become both more specific and all encompassing. Countertop surfaces and high touch areas should be cleaned and disinfected more thoroughly and frequently. Chicago employees should be able to easily access disinfecting wipes in the break room as well as hand sanitizer and hand-washing stations, which should be kept well-stocked.
Your Service Provider’s Policies
Break room providers operate differently. It is important to make sure your provider follows strict health and safety protocols. In addition to communicating clearly and openly about their COVID-19 response, they should share information about their warehouse protocols. Delivery drivers should perform the following procedures at every visit.
- wear masks and use a fresh pair of gloves or wash their hands.
- be aware and respectful of new processes your company has put into place to ensure your employees’ well-being.
- thoroughly clean all equipment and high contact areas at the end of every call.
Technology’s Advantages
State-of-the-art technology can already be found providing many benefits in many of today’s workplaces. Begin by understanding which technologies your refreshment provider offers and encourage your Chicago employees to use them. Employees may be able to use their smart phone to pay for vending machine or micro-market purchases, report issues, request new items, and see your provider’s COVID-19 policies.
Employee Buy-in
Lastly, employees need to understand and commit to creating a safe workplace while employers need to consistently provide up-to-date communication to ensure new policies and procedures are being followed. Employers can post reminders and tips, especially in shared areas, and encourage and recognize employee’s efforts to follow new procedures. It’s up to each employee to create a workplace that keeps their co-workers healthy.
Do you need help exploring available options to create a safe and usable post COVID-19 break room or updating your current refreshment menu? Yami Fresh can help with that and more. For more information about our extensive snack, beverage, and fresh food options, please call us at 847.423.2448. We look forward to hearing from you.